Cllr. John Allcock
BH2021/00282 - Unit 3, Goldstone Retail Park
19th February 2021:
I have reviewed application BH2021/00282, Variation of Condition 13 of application BH2020/00549 - External alterations to front and rear elevations including installation of new plant. Alterations to part of customer car park to provide trolley storage, covered cycle parking and car parking for disabled and
parents. Use of Unit 3 for retail (A1) to change the servicing hours to 07:00-21:00 Monday to Saturday and 08:00-18:00 on Sunday. Unit 3 Goldstone Retail Park Newtown Road Hove BN3 7PN
I wish to register an objection to the change in servicing hours in this application. I would support the alterations to car parking.
The development of the Lidl store in this area is welcomed by many residents in Goldsmid Ward as it will provide improved local access to groceries and has the potential to reduce car usage for many residents. However the impact of the noise during late evening and all day Sunday created by deliveries requested in
this application will cause unreasonable disturbance to local residents due to reversing HGVs and machinery unloading heavy goods packages.
Loud noise in the Goldstone Retail Park is amplified by the low bowl like nature of the ex-stadium site and impacts on residents currently living in Goldstone Lane, Fonthill Road and Newtown Road. Loud noise caused by vehicles and machinery on the retail site will also be amplified further by the new tower block developments that are planned in the immediate area and this will have an even greater impact on the new residents.
A more positive way forward would have been for Lidl to have opened dialogue with local residents and the Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum about their plans prior to submitting this application. I believe that officers suggested this to Lidl, but unfortunately they did not pursue this.
I would suggest that a reasonable variation going forward could be 07:00 – 19:00 Mondays to Saturdays and a contained slot of 11:00 - 13:00 on Sundays should Lidl wish to reapply.
Please note that I would wish to speak on this application should it be considered by the to the Planning Committee.